Nearly 365 days later...

You would be baffled if I told you the number of times I sat down to "create my blog" given that we are nearly at a year later and I am just now hitting PUBLISH. Blogging has always been one of those "that would be fun" ideas I've had. I love to write, I definitely need a creative outlet, I like having ownership of something that's wholeheartedly mine. So why not, right? It sounded like a good idea until I actually sat down to work on it. There was always something more important - cleaning the house, catching up with friends, finishing that book, color-coordinating my closet (yes, this is more important). But eventually, I ran out of excuses...and here we are. 

I'm incredibly grateful for my family and friends who have heard me talk about this infamous blog for the past year without seeing ANY progress or promise that I would actually follow through.

{Side note: this is how you know you have found your people in life. Their questions about my blog were always matched with: "Oh yeah! I'm getting there! Building the site and it's going really well! I'll have something SOON." Only to never have gained any ground. Yet, these people consistently supported the idea and cheered me on. Thank you, you know who you are.} <----- I sound like I'm accepting an Academy Award. 

Anyway, I figured a good first post would be to explain the idea behind this blog & its name. 'The Pretty Now' is a testament to myself. It's my personal pursuit of a pretty mind, heart, body & soul. It's consciously working every day to have kinder thoughts, kinder words, kinder actions, purposeful connections with friends and strangers alike. A commitment to strengthening my body, my mind & pursuing only the things that enrich my soul. 

I'll be using this space to share my NOW. What's in my heart. What's in the oven. What's in my shopping cart. My latest revelations during yoga (& believe me, there are A LOT of them). Lessons learned in marriage. It truly is a space for me. I always said I didn't care if my mom was the only one who read it, as long as I can write and create, I'll be happy. 

So: thanks, Mom, for reading. I love you. 

& if there's anyone else reading along - Hello & Thank you! I hope to connect with you in some way through a post now or in the future. 



{PS: Bear with me as I work out the kinks of managing a website, Tech is NOT my friend.}